Directions with Public Transport

Travel From Frankfurt Airport to Ingelheim Main Station

From the Frankfurt airport, you can take trains RE3 (direction Saarbrücken), or RE2 (direction Koblenz) and exit at Ingelheim Hbf (Ingelheim Main Station). The journey takes about 40 minutes. You can purchase tickets from a ticket automat at the airport and plan your journey on the Deutsche Bahn app, or on Deutsche Bahn's website.

Travel From Ingelheim Main Station to Wasem Hotel, Ingelheim

From Ingelheim Hbf, you will find busses that take you near the Wasem Kloster. The buses you can take are 640 (direction Oppenheim), 625 (direction Bahnhof), 654 (direction Hauptbahnhof Mainz) and exit at stop "Ober-Ingelheim Marktplatz", an 8 minute walk from Wasem. Otherwise, you can take bus 613 (direction Ober Ingelheim Gotenstraße) and exit at "Steigelpforte", which is a 5 minute walk from Wasem.

Travel from Wasem Hotel back to Frankfurt Airport

From Wasem, you can reach the bus stop "Ober-Ingelheim Marktplatz" , taking bus 612 (direction Nord Friedhof) until Ingelheim Hbf. From there, you can take the train RE 2 or RE3 (direction Frankfurt Hbf) and exit at Frankfurt Flughafen (Airport). Otherwise, you can bus 654 (direction Mainz Hbf) from the "Ober-Ingelheim Marktplatz" to Mainz Hbf, and from there take the S Bahn train S8 (direction Offenbach Main Ost) and exit the train at Frankfurt Airport.