11-13 July, 2023
11-13 July, 2023: Gutenberg Workshop on the Evolution of Unisexual Reproduction
Scientific Organizers:
Hanna Kokko, JGU Mainz, GER
Anthony Barley, ASU, USA
Peter Baumann, JGU Mainz, GER
Venue: Wasem Monastery Engelthal, Ingelheim am Rhein, Germany
Confirmed Speakers:
Tuliana Brunes, U of São Paulo, Brazil
George Constable U of York, UK
Susanne Foitzik, JGU Mainz, GER
Matthew Hartfield, U of Edinburgh, UK
Michael Kearney, U of Melbourne, ASTL
Craig Moritz, ANU, ASTL
Manfred Schartl, U of Würzburg, GER
Ingo Schlupp, U of Oklahoma, USA
Isabelle Schön, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, BE
Tanja Schwander, U de Lausanne, CH
Sen Xu, U of Missouri, USA
While the topic of unisexual reproduction has fascinated many of us for a long time, recent advances from diverse systems make this a great time to bring a group of scientists together who have moved the field forward and will enjoy scientific exchange and discussions. In addition to an emphasis on having diverse systems represented at the workshop, we are also looking forward to the exchange between those focused on experimental and modelling approaches.
Should you require further information at this stage or have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Gutenberg Workshops event manager.